Hi, I'm Leslie!
I'm so glad you are here.

I’m passionate about helping others find joy and grow spiritually. Through my Joyfull blog, and my Facebook, A Moment with Alberta, I share daily encouragement and insights to inspire you on your journey. Whether I’m leading workshops, mentoring, or writing, my heart is focused on helping you thrive and rediscover the joy in life. I invite you to learn more about my story and how I can support yours!

I'm Here to Serve...
What I Offer
Can you imagine what your perfect oasis would look like? A place where you feel you can be restored and renergized to pursue all that God has for you? As a Certified Real Colors Instructor, I can guide you through the Real Colors Personality Instrument, bringing practical insights into temperament theory to improve communication and teamwork within your organization. At women's retreats and conferences, I also speak on heart-deep topics like "Decluttering Your Heart and Your Home" and "Don't Be Content Standing in the Doorway," inspiring you to step into a space of renewal and rediscover your joy.

Think on These Things...
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Laugh it Up. Love it Up. Live it Up.